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Core C
DOF Connection Reconnecting Listener
The C Connection Reconnecting Listener provides a simple API that monitors the state of connections. Note: The 3.x version releases…
January 2, 2018
DOF Twofish Cipher Plugin
The Twofish Cipher Plugin. A C-language cipher implementation that uses the Twofish block cipher algorithm. This can be used for…
August 2, 2017
DOF SMS4 Cipher Plugin
The SMS4 Cipher Plugin. A C-language cipher implementation that uses the SMS4 block cipher algorithm. This can be used for…
August 2, 2017
DOF AES Cipher Plugin
The AES Cipher Plugin. A C-language cipher implementation that uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). This can be used for…
August 2, 2017
DOF Cipher Plugins Dev
A C-language cipher plugin API definition that can be used by projects that have basic encryption requirements. Note: The releases…
August 2, 2017
DOF Cipher Plugins
The C Cipher Plugins are a C-language implementation of the default block ciphers used by the OpenDOF C Object Access…
August 2, 2017
The POSIX Internet TLS Transport is a C-language implementation of a POSIX, OpenSSL based transport for use with the C…
August 2, 2017
The POSIX Internet Transport is a C-language implementation of a POSIX, Berkeley socket-based transport for use with the C OAL.…
January 2, 2018
DOF PCR Windows
The Portable C Runtime (PCR) for Windows provides the PCR API based on a Windows environment.
August 2, 2017
The Portable C Runtime (PCR) for POSIX provides the PCR API based on a POSIX-compliant system environment.
August 2, 2017
The Portable C Runtime (PCR) provides a simple, platform-agnostic API developers can use to write more portable C libraries and…
August 2, 2017
DOF Object Access Library (OAL)
The C Object Access Library (OAL) provides a general API developers can use to write software that implements OpenDOF protocols.…
January 2, 2018
Core C#
DOF Server Restarting Listener
The OpenDOF Server Restarting Listener for C# provides a simple API that monitors the state of servers and attempts to…
September 12, 2017
DOF Connection Reconnecting Listener
The OpenDOF Connection Reconnecting Listener for C# provides a simple API that monitors the state of connections and attempts to…
September 12, 2017
DOF Inet
The C# Inet library provides a transport for use with the OpenDOF C# Object Access Library (OAL).
September 12, 2017
DOF Object Access Library (OAL)
The C# Object Access Library (OAL) provides a general API developers can use to write software that implements OpenDOF protocols.
September 12, 2017
Core Java
DOF Cipher Twofish
The OpenDOF Twofish Cipher for Java is a Java-language implementation of the Twofish block cipher for use with the OpenDOF…
August 2, 2017
DOF Cipher SMS4
The OpenDOF SMS4 Cipher for Java is a Java-language implementation of the SMS4 block cipher for use with the OpenDOF…
August 2, 2017
DOF SLF4J Log Listener
The OpenDOF SLF4J Log Listener for Java can be used with the OpenDOF Java Object Access Library to send logs…
August 2, 2017
DOF Server Restarting Listener
The OpenDOF Server Restarting Listener for Java provides a simple API that monitors the state of servers and attempts to…
September 12, 2017
DOF Connection Reconnecting Listener
The OpenDOF Connection Reconnecting Listener for Java provides a simple API that monitors the state of connections and attempts to…
September 12, 2017
DOF Inet
The Java Inet library provides a transport for use with the OpenDOF Java Object Access Library (OAL).
September 12, 2017
DOF Object Access Library (OAL)
The Java Object Access Library (OAL) provides a general API developers can use to write software that implements OpenDOF protocols.
September 12, 2017
Core Software Development Kits
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