OpenDOF Blog

Objects of Information

Interface Repository version 2.1 released

Version 2.1 of the Interface Repository (tools-interface-repository-interface-repository) has been released and is available for download here. The following feature has been included in this release: * [IFREPO-102]( - Share...

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OpenDOF Specifications version 7.0 released

Version 7.0 of the OpenDOF Specifications (core-specifications-specifications) has been released and is available for download here. This is the initial public release of this project. More information can be found on this project at

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OpenDOF IoT Router available for download

The OpenDOF IoT Router AMI is now available for download from the AWS marketplace. (Download it here.) The OpenDOF IoT Router is a stand-alone, zero-configuration server that makes it easy to securely connect your IoT application to the cloud and route your OpenDOF...

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DOF AES Cipher Plugin version 1.0.1 released

Version 1.0.1 of the DOF AES Cipher Plugin (core-c-dof-aes-cipher-plugin) has been released and is available for download here. This release fixes the following issue: - [AESC-5]( Using cmake's find_package with a static library...

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POSIX Internet Transport version 3.0 released

Version 3.0 of the POSIX Internet Transport (core-c-dof-inet-posix) has been released and is available for download here. The following changes were made in this release: dof-inet-posix was updated to use the new API that is required for dof-oal version 8.0 Support...

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C Object Access Library version 8.0 released

Version 8.0 of the C Object Access Library (core-c-dof-oal) has been released and is available for download here. This release includes the following changes: - The optional dependency for dof-cipher-plugins was removed. There is now a required dependency for...

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