OpenDOF Blog

Objects of Information

SDK OpenDOF COS version 1.1 released

Version 1.1 of the SDK OpenDOF COS (training-sdk-sdk-opendof-cos-7) has been released and is available for download here. This release includes the following additions, updates, and changes: Added bash scripts for building all the included libraries and...

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SDK OpenDOF C version 1.3 released

Version 1.3 of the SDK OpenDOF C (training-sdk-sdk-opendof-c-7) has been released and is available for download here. This release includes the following additions, updates, and changes: Updated module to pull in the latest releases of all core-c libraries and API...

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SDK OpenDOF C version 1.1 released

Version 1.1 of the SDK OpenDOF C (training-sdk-sdk-opendof-c-8)has been released and is available for download here. This release includes the following additions, updates, and changes: Added bash scripts for building all the included libraries and cross-compiling....

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OpenDOF Specifications version 7.0.1 released

Version 7.0.1 of the OpenDOF Specifications (core-specifications-specifications) has been released and is available for download here. This release fixes the following issues: [SPECS-12] ( Typo in OAP 4.1.1. [SPECS-13]...

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Interface Repository version 2.1.1 released

Version 2.2.1 of the Interface Repository (tools-interface-repository-interface-repository) has been released and is available for download here. The following bug fix has been included in this release: [IFREPO-107]( -...

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C Object Access Library version 7.1.7 released

Version 7.1.7 of the C Object Access Library (core-c-dof-oal) has been released and is available for download here. This release fixes the following issue: - [COAL-118]( A timer callback for a 49 day timeout may not get called...

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POSIX Internet Transport version 2.0.3 released

Version 2.0.3 of the POSIX Internet Transport (core-c-dof-inet-posix) has been released and is available for download here. This release fixes the following issues: - [INETPOSIX-12]( The socket send function can block -...

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SDK OpenDOF Java version 1.2 released

Version 1.2 of the SDK OpenDOF Java (training-sdk-sdk-opendof-java-7) has been released and is available for download here. This release includes the following additions, updates, and removals: - Updated module to pull in the latest releases of all core-java libraries...

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SDK OpenDOF C# version 1.0.1 released

Version 1.0.1 of the SDK OpenDOF C# (training-sdk-sdk-opendof-csharp-7) has been released and is available for download here. This release includes the following additions, updates, and removals: - Updated module to pull in the latest releases of all core-csharp...

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SDK OpenDOF C# version 1.0 released

Version 1.0 of the SDK OpenDOF C# (training-sdk-sdk-opendof-csharp-7) has been released and is available for download here. This is the initial public release of this project. More information can be found on this project at

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SDK OpenDOF COS version 1.0 released

Version 1.0 of the SDK OpenDOF COS (training-sdk-sdk-opendof-cos-7) has been released and is available for download here. This is the initial release of this project. More information can be found on this project at

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SDK OpenDOF C version 1.0 released

Version 1.0 of the SDK OpenDOF C (training-sdk-sdk-opendof-c-8) has been released and is available for download here. This is the initial release of this project. More information can be found on this project at

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SDK OpenDOF C version 1.2 released

Version 1.2 of the SDK OpenDOF C (training-sdk-sdk-opendof-c-7) has been released and is available for download here. This release includes the following additions, updates, and changes: - Updated module to pull in the latest releases of all core-c libraries and API...

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