OpenDOF-TC-Assigned OID Identifier Registry

OIDs assigned by the OpenDOF Technical Committee (OpenDOF TC) require registration of each identifier used. The OpenDOF TC makes these assignments based on customer requests. The identifier is formatted using compression, and so the OID size varies based on the identifier assigned.
The process for registration involves the following steps:

  1. Submit your request to the OpenDOF TC at, containing:
    • A justification for the OpenDOF-TC-assigned OID Identifier.
    • If a small (one-byte) or large (four-byte) identifier is preferred. The default is a medium (two-byte) assignment. Small identifiers require additional justification as there is a limited supply (127 identifiers)
  2. If approved, the OpenDOF TC will assign the identifier.
  3. The OpenDOF TC will publish the new identifier.

Current OpenDOF-TC Assigned OID Identifier Registrations

15Authentication Server (AS) Assigned
24PESDCA - Staging TTC
25PESDCA - Singapore Staging TTC
42PESDCA - Technical Services TTC
0x1000PESDCA - Well Known Object Identifiers (sub
0x3FFAPESDCA - Singpore TTC
0x3FFBPESDCA - TTC Well-Known Authentication Identities. Additional unique data indicates the object meaning.
0x3FFDPESDCA - Engineering Team TTC
0x3FFEPESDCA - Solutions Team TTC
0x3FFFReserved for testing.OpenDOF Common Types
0x4000PESDCA - Hostel A/C Platform (
0x4001Interface [1:{01000041}] modes (see
0x4002ESC - LibFR Project (Yasuhiko WATANABE ?)?
0x4003Solar Project (PESCO) (

The following table is associated with ID 0x1000, Well Known Object Identifiers. The following Object Indexes are used as described.

1Solar Energy Source (DC). This is used to form objects that refer to energy sources of solar energy (DC). It is used with a corresponding site OID using the Group Attribute to identify the aggregation scope.
2Energy Storage (DC, bi-directional). This is used to form objects that refer to energy storage. It is used with a corresponding site OID using the Group Attribute to identify the aggregation scope.
3Energy Sink (DC). This is used to form objects that refer to energy sinks (DC). It is used with a corresponding site OID using the Group Attribute to identify the aggregation scope.
4Energy Source (DC). This is ued to form objects that refer to energy sources (DC). It is used with a corresponding site OID using the Group Attribute to identify the aggregation scope.
5Energy Local Load (AC). This used to form objects that refer to local energy loads (AC). It is used with a corresponding site OID using the Group Attribute when used for aggregation. Energy flowing to this object remains "local" to a site and does not flow to the grid.
6Energy Total Load (AC). This is used to form objects that refer to total energy loads (AC). It is used with a corresponding site OID using the Group Attribute when used for aggregation. This object represents the total energy flow from a local DC bus to all AC sources/sinks.

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