Understanding the DOF Object Model

Understanding the DOF Object Model

The DOF Object Model was created to simplify the implementation and programming tasks associated with the OpenDOF Project and its Object Access Libraries (OALs). The DOF Object Model describes and defines the technological foundation of the OpenDOF Project. It shows how DOF Objects, DOF Interfaces, and other related elements work together to create scalable and reliable network services based on a system of providers and requestors in peer-to-peer relationships.

OpenDOF Build Process

OpenDOF Build Process

The OpenDOF build process is based on using Apache Ant (v1.9.1 or later) as a cross-platform build tool, and Apache Ivy (v2.3.0 or later) as a generic dependency resolution tool. Each module’s build defines the following targets:

OpenDOF Build Process

OpenDOF Ivy Repository

The OpenDOF Project hosts an Ivy repository of all of our official releases (for all languages). We also provide access to pre-release and testing versions via a “preview” repository. To configure Ivy to use these repositories, simply include https://asset.opendof.org/ivy2/ivysettings.opendof.xml in your local ivysettings.xml file. Released versions (from the official release repository) will take precedence over any preview versions. However, if you specifically request a module or version that has not yet been released, Ivy will continue on to check for it in the preview repository.

Permissions Matrix

Permissions Matrix

The OpenDOF Permissions Matrix is a simple, interactive demonstration created to let you see how basic permissions work with DOF Technology.
The Matrix displays Operations and their corresponding binding: Get (Read), Set (Write), Invoke (eXecute) and Session (Session). By clicking on one of the four Operations buttons, you will see the binding displayed across a Requestor (R), Proxy (X) and Provider (P).
Along the bottom row, bindings are displayed for each object, in proper order (left to right).

Cloud Connectivity in Minutes

Cloud Connectivity in Minutes

The OpenDOF Iot Router is an example of what can be done quickly using OpenDOF. The router itself is a one-click AMI that is available with a 30-day free trial and is meant for training and tutorials. Each instance provides a secure cloud “router” that will work with any of the OpenDOF Project libraries and tools.

OpenDOF at the AllSeen Alliance Summit 2015

Panasonic sponsored and participated in the AllSeen Alliance Summit 2015 in Seattle. The booth focused on two projects, both of which relate to the OpenDOF Project. The first is the Panasonic Distributed Testing Framework, an open source project on GitHub, which the project uses for automated testing. The second is the Interface Repository Project, which is part of the OpenDOF Project itself. Bryant Eastham of Panasonic presented on the gateway connector and used the OpenDOF Project as an example – slides are available here. #AllSeenSummit @opendof

OpenDOF at IEEE STC 2015

During the IEEE Software Technology Conference 2015 the OpenDOF Project delivered a half-day tutorial on large-scale, secure data collection. This is a smaller conference attended by many government contracting groups. Tutorial slides are available here. This tutorial will be available online in the near future.

OpenDOF at Embedded Linux Europe 2015

Bryant Eastham of Panasonic presented at Embedded Linux Europe 2015 in Dublin. The slides are available here. The OpenDOF Project had a booth at the conference as well where we showed demonstrations and talked about the technology. The conference was attended by around 1,000 people. #lfelc @opendof