by User | Jan 28, 2016
Training involves a lot of planning when it comes to IoT frameworks. The OpenDOF Project believes that training should be easy and accessible to all. With that in mind, we have created a complete path (from Introductory to Advanced) training that not only teaches you what DOF Technology is, but how you can use it!
by User | Jan 28, 2016 | Downloads, Java, Programming, Training
The OpenDOF Eclipse Plugin for Java is an Eclipse plugin utilizing this IDE’s “Help” and “Cheatsheets”. It contains self-guided, code and document assisted steps for Operations, Connectivity, and basicSecurity training in a standard IDE.
by User | Mar 13, 2015 | Android, Downloads, Java, Programming, Technical
If you’re looking for more information about designing interfaces, the Object Model, DOF Operations, DOF Connectivity, or DOF Security, we have you covered! The Guides are available for download.
Click the Downloads link and start reading!
by amauchley | Aug 16, 2017
The OpenDOF Project was created to provide a IoT engineers with a secure open-source framework they can leverage for their IoT applications. However, the project’s success depends on the users, supporters, and contributors to the OpenDOF standard. Therefore, to ensure...
by amauchley | Aug 16, 2017
The OpenDOF Project was created to provide a IoT engineers with a secure open-source framework they can leverage for their IoT applications. However, the project’s success depends on the users, supporters, and contributors to the OpenDOF standard. Therefore, to ensure...